
hello, world.

As the Sr. Project Manager at The Hashgraph Association, I bring a fusion of technical prowess and strategic insight, grounded in a B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and an MBA. My career in tech and energy is driven by a dedication to innovation and impactful leadership. Previously at Energy Web, I led the development of key ecosystem products, integrating web3 technologies into the energy sector. Now, at The Hashgraph Association, I'm excited to steer groundbreaking projects in distributed ledger technology, building on my experience as a tech entrepreneur to advance the blockchain industry.

You can contact me via the contact page.

Recent Posts

Verifiable Presentation Exchange Protocols

Verifiable Presentation (VP) exchange protocols ensure that digital credentials are verified and exchanged in a manner that maintains privacy and security. Among the various protocols available, OpenID Connect for Verifiable Presentations (OIDC4VP) stands out as a superior option.

Self-Sovereign Identity Glossary

Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) is a digital identity management concept that enables individuals to have greater control and ownership over their personal data. It operates independently of third-party public or private actors and is based on decentralized technological architectures.

[Updated] macOS Setup Guide

I recently switched to a new Mac, and I realized remembering all these things to set it up properly can be very challenging. So, I decided to create a guide to follow for the next time, I hope it will be handy for you as well.

Using NFTs as a Proof of Authenticity Certificates

Following up on my commitment from the previous blog post, I'm diving deeper into blockchain use-cases that hold significant potential for businesses. In today's discussion, we're going to explore the intriguing application of using NFTs as proof of authenticity certificates in more detail.

Blockchain Use-Cases in the Enterprise World

In this blog post, we will be diving into an exciting topic that's close to my professional heart: web3 in the enterprise world. As a principal product manager in the web3 space, I've seen firsthand how this technology is not just a buzzword or a trend, but a real game-changer for businesses around the world.


Üretim Bandı Podcasturetimbandi

Üretim Bandı Podcast

Bu bölümde, Mahir Senturk ile birlikte Energy Web'i keşfediyoruz.

Üretim Bandı Podcasturetimbandi

Üretim Bandı Podcast

Mahir Senturk ile birlikte Self Sovereign Identity (Öz Kimlik) konusunu konuştuk.

Swiss Knife

Starmap Generatorstarmap

Starmap Generator

A tool for creating customized starmap prints. Login required.

DID Resolverfingerprint

DID Resolver

This tool will allow you to fetch the DID document of the given a DID.

qroxy - Dynamic QR Code Toolqrcode

qroxy - Dynamic QR Code Tool

Create dynamic QR codes using the connected REST API and mongoDB

ENS Resolverens

ENS Resolver

This tool will allow you to resolve an Ethereum Name Service (ENS) domain.

Crypto Tickercrypto

Crypto Ticker

View the cryptocurrencies that I currently track on this page.