Introducing the "qroxy" Project
mhrsntrk / July 18, 2022
"qroxy" name is originated from concatenating "qr code" and "proxy" words, it will hopefully give idea of the project overview. In plain English, it is a dynamic QR code generator REST API with a connected mongoDB to store the routes.
You can try the project via this link on my website.
What is QR Code?
A QR code stands for ‘Quick Response Code’ and it is a 2-dimensional barcode type invented by Denso Wave in 1994.
Today, QR codes are used widely in different business sectors to give a digital dimension to a product, an item, billboards, posters, or flyers that leads to a URL. QR codes have two types: Static QR code and Dynamic QR code.
What is Dynamic QR Code?
Dynamic QR Code is an editable QR code which enables you to redirect the URL to another URL even after printing. Since you are redirecting the URL you can capture and store precious user data.
1. Clone the repo and install dependencies
git clone
cd qroxy
2. Setup a mongoDB database
When you generate your first entry it will be under qroxy database and qrcode collection.
3. Create the .env file
4. Run the project
yarn dev
Example Requests
1. /generate
POST /generate HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
{"generationTarget":"","generationName":"Mahir Senturk","generationEmail":"[email protected]"}
1. /update
POST /update HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
There is a Dockerfile on the repo, you can use it to deploy qroxy
anywhere you like, I personally use Caprover.